Dearborn Community Education Adult Enrichment These classes are geared to provide students 16+ year old with fun, exercise and learning new things!! School Age Enrichment These classes are for children still of school age. Here is where you will find the basketball camps, swim classes and the fun art classes as well. Senior Citizen Enrichment Have you recently retired and are looking for new challenges? Have you sampled our classes that run in the evening but now want something during the day? We have a variety of classes to engage your mind and body, and classe just for fun!! Winter 2023January - AprilOn-Line Registration begins December 26, 2022Phone in Registration begins January 9, 2023 View and Download Catalog A message to our Community Education students: We know the world looks different right now and how we deliver classes this winter semester will look different too. New guidelines will be in place to ensure the health and safety of our students and instructors. When making changes, we maintained our focus on provide you with engaging, stimulating and enjoyable classes. To ensure your safety:Class sizes may be reduced to allow for social distancingSome sections may be added in real time, virtual formatBetween the time of this publication and the date winter classes begin, guidelines we are using may change. Our Facebook page, Dearborn Adult and Community Education, is the best place to find up-to-date information regarding your classes. Whatever the format, face-to-face, online or virtual, we look forward to continuing to provide great classes on your quest for lifelong learning. Thank you for being part of our family! Get in Touch Community EducationHeights Campus22586 Ann Arbor TrailDearborn Heights, MI 48127P: (313) 827-1959 FOLLOW US