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4 Results

  • Total Body Strength & Cardio

    This Spring workout from the comfort of your own home! JOIN US LIVE ON ZOOM for 6-weeks from your computer, smart phone or tablet on SATURDAY MORNING'S AT 9AM for TOTAL BODY STRENGTH & CARDIO! Zoom classes start Saturday, May 11th! This TOTAL BODY workout includes functional strength training with segments of timed, low-impact cardio bursts that will improve your muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, body composition, and core. Equipment needed: Heavy, medium & light dumbbells, mat, and water.
  • Cardio Drumming

    Burn MEGA calories in this high energy, full-body workout by drumming to the beat of your favorite music. You can do this workout standing or sitting. In addition to improving cardio/vascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, core and coordination, you'll sweat, laugh and even want to sing all while pounding on the ball with drumsticks. Please bring a large stability ball ( 55-65cm), drum-drumsticks. round 17 gallon plastic bucket or round laundry basket. Don't forget to bring water!
  • Pumped Up Strength

    Pumped Up Strength is a new approach to resistance training. Utilizing combination movement patterns in a targeted, rhythmic progression it's superpower is the dynamic integration of upper and lower body movements set to fun music. The Result? A sweat-drenched, functionally efficient workout that will challenge your body in new ways, improve lean muscle mass and rev your metabolism. This class involves exercises down on the mat. Please bring a set of medium to heavy dumbbells, mat and water.
  • Zumba & Sculpt

    2 GREAT Classes in 1 !!! This class starts with 30 minutes of Zumba using Latin American and International dance music alternating between fast and slow rhythms to improve cardiovascular fitness followed by 30 minutes of body sculpting that will work every muscle in your body including the core. Please bring a set of light to medium dumbbells.