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2 Results

  • Jamie Smed (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    HYPE Fundamentals School of Basketball--Boys & Girls

    Ages 6 - 12 Boys and Girls Basketball This training clinic serves as an introduction to the entire of sport of basketball. The program includes 5 weeks of total offense and defense instruction and 2weeks of games at the recreational level. Participants will be divided by age group. Coaches at HYPE have experience at the high school and /or collegiate level. Verbal questionnaire will be conducted, temperature check completed and a waiver will need to be signed by each participant's guardian. Please bring water.
  • Nature Explorers

    Nature is the best teacher!! The outdoors provides a perfect environment for kids' sensory systems, activating their foics and joy for learning. Children who spend more time outdoors show and improved ability to focus their attention and are able to play independently more often and for longer. In this program, children will explore their creativity through purposeful and brain-boosting outdoor play. Every expert-designed lesson combines early learning science with timeless wisdom about nature and childhood. Child should wear weather-appropriate clothing that can get a little messy.